Public events
Public events
X-ray security solutions for public events

Any public event may be subjected to criminal intentions: terrorism, political struggle, international tension, etc. Such events include trade fairs, sporting events, concerts, conventions, important holiday celebrations and so on. The gathering of a crowd, including VIP may become an Achilles’ heel. In order to secure the public events, private events, sport arenas, stadiums, public meetings and protest actions baggage and parcel X-ray security systems and full body scanner machines may be used. Checkpoint security complex using X-ray baggage security system (for scanning of carry-ons, travel bags, handbags, suitcases, luggage bags) and X-ray whole body scanners can help to detect guns, drugs, knives, blades, bombs, explosives and other forbidden items to carry.

LINEV Systems has several X-ray security solutions for baggage inspection and full body scanning to reveal the hidden threats and make a public event safer.
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